Using QR Codes

Happy Monday! Sarah here, from Learning is for Superstars!

I just love pulling technology into my lessons, but sometimes it can be very intimidating, especially when trying something new.  So, I start simple before I gain confidence to jump in!  QR codes were that way for me until I learned what to do to create my own activities. Here's a quick tutorial on how to create QR codes.

First ... create your task cards. or worksheets. as normal. Here's a picture of one of my pages. 
Then I create a PowerPoint slide for the answer - the image of what I want my students to see when they answer the question on the task card and are ready to scan the code to check the work. It looks like this. 
Upload your picture for the answer (or whatever it is you want your students to see when they scan the code) to google drive (or another method you prefer). Save the link.
Take the link and go to QR Code Generator and follow the prompts. Add the link and then click Download QR Code.
A pop up will show up on your screen and open the image. It will look like this.
Then save the QR image into your pictures on your computer. Go back to the worksheet or task cards you were creating and insert each qr code into the correct space. Warning: this is time consuming and be sure to check your work, or even better - have a friend check for you!

Now, how do I use these in my classroom?
Here's a picture from one of our math lessons last week:
This is Addition Elves: Double Digit Addition without regrouping that I purchased on TpT to use with my second graders (I teach a combo first/second class this year). Answer the question on your recording page and provide students with a way to scan to check their work!

This week we are working on regrouping and borrowing in two digit addition and subtraction problems. I found this cute Christmas themed activity. There are both addition and subtraction problems included in this pack and both sets have QR codes for the students to scan to check their work. 
BUNDLE: Christmas Two-Digit Addition & Subtraction 2.NBT.5
I am putting my fraction unit on sale for this week (until Friday evening) for just $2.00. It has QR code activities in it so you can try it in your classroom!
Fraction Mini Unit {for primary grades}
I hope this helps and you have fun with QR codes!


  1. I absolutely love using QR codes with my kiddos and they love them too! Thanks for sharing these ideas Sarah! I can't wait to try them.

  2. I absolutely love using QR codes with my kiddos and they love them too! Thanks for sharing these ideas Sarah! I can't wait to try them.
