Students need access to books all the time for daily reading, but sometimes, traveling among the classroom can be distracting. On the other hand, shoving books in student desks can be hard on the books and can clutter up classroom desks. Today, I'd like to share how I use student book boxes. It is a primary teacher's dream to have those colorful, fancy book boxes from Really Good Stuff for each student to store their independent reading books. If you're not quite ready to make the costly investment, here are a few cheaper alternatives.
Magazine Boxes from Ikea:
Ikea has a pack of 5 cardboard book boxes for $2. That's
around $10 for a class set! These are white cardboard so students can decorate
them with markers, stickers, etc. You can also order these online, but the
shipping isn't cheap. They do get pretty rough looking by the end of the year,
but they are cheap enough to buy a new set next year. (I also use these to
organize my thematic classroom books that I use seasonally.)
Ice Boxes:

Dollar Store Baskets:

Group Book Storage Options:
If you don't have space for individual student bins, here are a few space saver options:
Plastic Pouches:
These give students a place to store their books that they
can put in their desk, cubby or seat pocket.
Gallon Sized Ziplock Bags:
I always use gallon Ziplocs for take home books but the work
great for student classroom books too. Last year I found these decorative bags at
Ikea. They were a little bigger than gallon size which was nice. They didn't
hold up quite as well, but they were cheap enough to replace as needed. You can also order student take home book bags in many different sizes, materials, and colors.
Target Dollar Spot Bins:
Years ago you could buy these for $1. Now they are in the in the Target dollar spot for $3 at the beginning of the year if you're lucky enough to get them before
some other teacher buys them all!
Step to Literacy Bins:

If you want super cheap book boxes, write a grant. Nothing beats free! After 12 years of teacher I finally
wrote a mini grant for my local education foundation to get a class set of book
boxes. It was such a happy day when those beautiful book boxes arrived. Try donors choose or your local education
foundation to see if you can get a book box grant funded.

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