Last year I had a request from a student to add sight words to eggs for practice. To help with this I came up with this simple activity that I now use to review sight words with my 2nd grade students and numbers with my preschoolers.
This is super easy to prep. Download this freebie from my TpT store and print out the page with the numbers and sight words (I chose to print them on brightly colored cardstock). Cut apart the cards and stick the numbers or words in eggs (only use the ones you are working on).
To complete this activity the kiddo pulls an egg from the basket, opens is (Great fine motor activity!), reads the word/number, and then finds the matching jellybean on their paper. The student then colors the jelly bean in, then close the egg back up. With my sight word kids, I had them put the egg back in the basket so if they pulled it again then they practiced the word again. With the little one in these pictures, I put the egg to the side after she opened it. This activity address SOLs for reading in Kindergarten (Reading K.6) & First Grade (Reading 1.6h). It also addresses SOLs for Math for Kindergarten (Math K.2c) and Foundation Blocks for Pre-K..

Do you have any activities that you use in your classroom with plastic eggs? I would love more ideas to keep the kids learning during the craziness of waiting for Spring break to arrive.
These Spring Egg Learning Activities are awesome. These are quite simple activities and can easily use them in my Phoenix pre-k class. Thank you very much for complete details about these fun activities. Really loved them.