GAFE: Make Google Forms for for you!

Make Google Forms Work For You!

It's no secret I love all the Google Apps, but Forms may have just become my favorite with their new features. In the past I used the Flubaroo Add-on to grade my quizzes. It's still a great add-on, but it's just that, it added on one more step. Now you can grade within Forms itself and save yourself so much time!
First you need to have a quiz (or pre-assessment or survey) using Google Forms. For more details on how to create a Google Form, see the Forms post here. Once you have your Form, you're ready to make it into a "quiz". 

Create Forms Answer Key 

How to grade work with Google Forms easily with new Quiz feature.
Within forms setting, click the new feature Quizzes. You have options for students to get a grade instantly or email grades. You can also select what the student receives: missed questions, correct answers, and its point value. What's even better is you can update previous Forms you have created to add this Quiz feature without having to remake the Form. Students DO NOT have to log-in to receive grades on their screen, but you'll need to assign a question to determine who is responding. My first question on the Form is always a short answer to type their name. 
How to grade work with Google Forms easily with new Quiz feature.
To make the answer key, simply select "Answer key" on the bottom. You can answer the question and assign points for each question. 

Types of Questions

One limit of Forms compared to Flubaroo if you're familiar is the types of questions it will grade. You only use multiple choice, drop-down, and checklist questions. It will allow for more than one correct answer. With more than one answer, it's an "all or nothing" to get credit. Forms is a strict teacher and gives no half credit for almost right answers :) You can weigh the questions different values. Unfortunately it will not grade short answer questions so you have to pick and choose what assessments will work best. 
How to grade work with Google Forms easily with new Quiz feature.

Give Students Instant Feedback

Form's ability to give instant feedback has amazing potential. You can give differentiated feedback if they got the question right or wrong. You can also add a link to a website, document, etc. for students to refer to if they missed a question. 
How to grade work with Google Forms easily with new Quiz feature.
You can choose for responses to be email after completing (requires Google log-in) or you can select for students to see their grade instantly (no log-in required)
How to grade work with Google Forms easily with new Quiz feature.

Influence Teacher's Instruction

After students have submitted responses, this is where Forms really shines. Forms has great insights from collected responses. The Summary view is great to show the teacher what concepts students have mastered and areas for more instruction. It will also tell you the most frequently missed questions and graph the responses for each question. The goal of assessments whether pre or post should be to influence the teacher's instruction. 
How to grade work with Google Forms easily with new Quiz feature.

Quick Grades

As teachers we also need grades for individual students. You can switch to Individual view and advance each student to see their grade. For me it's easier to view this information in sheets. It will still show each student's response, but it also quickly gives a total correct and percent. 
How to grade work with Google Forms easily with new Quiz feature.

Need More Help with Google?

See the series of Google GAFE posts here: 

How to grade work with Google Forms easily with new Quiz feature on

Lindsey Paulson on


  1. Awesome post, Lindsey!!! I'm loving all of the info provided in the summary of responses😀

    1. Thanks! Quizzes will make it so much more valuable to my instruction!

  2. Do you have to use Apple computers or can you use PC? Yes, I'm one of those people😂. This is new to me.

  3. Hi Susan! Google Apps for Education (GAFE) is internet based so it can be used on a PC, Mac, Chromebooks, and on an app on a smart device. You'll need a Google account. My district has google accounts (with no email) for each student so they can save their work. See the whole series of Google posts with the label GAFE on the right side of the blog. Let us know if you have any questions!
