In this post, I'll be sharing materials and ideas aligned with the fifth grade geology standards under SOL 5.7. The main concepts include rock types, the rock cycle, Earth's history and fossils, Earth's Layers and plate techtonics, weathering, erosion, and how human's can protect the environment.
Recommended Books:

Rock Types:
Rhoda's Rock Hunt by Mollie Beth Griffin
National Geographic Rocks and Minerals by Kathleen Zoehfeld
Learning about Rocks by Mari Schuh
National Geographic Rocks and Minerals by Kathleen Zoehfeld
Learning about Rocks by Mari Schuh
Rock Cycle:
The Rock Factory: The Story about the Rock Cycle by Jacqui Bailey
What is the Rock Cycle? by Natalie Hyde
Super Simple Rock Cycle Projects by Jessie Alkire
Rocks and Fossils by Anna Claybourne
Curious about Fossils by Kate Waters
Fossils Tell about Long Ago by Aliki
Curious about Fossils by Kate Waters
Fossils Tell about Long Ago by Aliki
Plate Techtonics:
Fault Lines and Tectonic Plates by Kathleen Reilly
Plate Tectonics by Julia Quinlan
Weathering and Erosion:
Weathering and Erosion by Maria Nelson
Erosion and Weathering (Rocks: The Hard Facts) by Willa Dee
Weathering and Erosion by Torrey Maloaf
Protecting the Environment:
What a Waste! by Jess French
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
Recycle! A Handbook for Kids by Gail Gibbons
Activities that Support Geology Studies:
As you're planning your science unit, be sure to check out this Pinterest board filled with links to FREE printables, experiment ideas, educational videos, and projects. You will find cross curricular materials that support reading, writing, math, and creativity with emphasis on PBL and STEAM for instruction, research, and assessment. Feel free to repin from the board to your own collection, and certainly, add the images from this post so you can come back when the time is right.
Resources from the Virginia is for Teachers Team:
Earth Science Bundle by Glitter in Third
This digital resource from Glitter in Third addresses SOL5.7. It includes digital graphic organizers and foldables that you can use in combination with your other instructional materials to help your students with research and note taking. It also includes drag and drop labeling for assessment. $15.00
Geology Unit by Vestal's 21st Century Classroom
From Vestal's 21st Century Classroom, check out this all inclusive unit has lesson plans, experiment ideas, center activities, word wall materials, a quiz and a test in digital for Google Slides TM and PDF. It addesses all standards under 5.7 including layers of the Earth, plate techtonics, rock types, the Rock Cycle, weathering and erosion. It sells for $14.00
Rockin' the Rock Cycle Partner Play by Comprehension Connection
This FUN partner play from Comprehension Connection is great for integrating reading with your geology unit. This partner play works well for small group reading lessons and helps students who may need a little extra support review key concepts in SOL 5.7. The reading level is approximately 4th grade, and the set includes close reading activities for repeated reading and comprehension reinforcement. $3.00
Geology Task Cards by Vestal's 21st Century Classroom
Also from Vestal's 21st Century Classroom, you'll find this task card set of 28 question cards, 2 student response sheets, and an answer key. Questions are open-ended and fill in the blank. They make a great science center, SCOOT activity, or review game! Topics include the layers of the Earth, plate tectonics, types of rocks, the rock cycle, weathering, erosion, and deposition. This set sells for $3.00.Geology Close Reading Sets by The Techie Teacher
Although Julie, The Techie Teacher, no longer lives in Virginia, she'll always be a VA Blogger! This set in her store is aligned with SOL 5.7 and offers another cross curricular option to support your science standards during the ELA block. There are four reading passages with comprehension questions. $3.50
Free Resources to Download:
Geology is a really fun unit to teach, and kids really do find more interest in rocks after the unit is complete. With emphasis on weathering and erosion as well as environmental studies, hopefully your students will also become good stewards for our planet too. Thanks for visiting, and if you have suggestions for this unit, please add them in the comments.

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