Graphing + Technology = Opinion Poll Fun

Do you ever find it hard to integrate math and technology?  Looking for a fun project to do with your graphing and statistics unit?  The Opinion Poll project I have done with my students the last few years has become a favorite of mine (and my students).

As part of my unit on graphing, my fifth graders create an opinion poll, survey their friends/family, and create graphs using google sheets.  I love this project because the kids get to create their own surveys and then get experience inputing their data into a spreadsheet and using it to create their graphs.

For my advanced students, they are required to poll two different populations and compare the data between the two as well.

I have some screen shots below of the project sheet and some of my students' surveys and graphs.

To help my students that wanted to work on their graphs over the snow days, I created a tutorial to help them.  You can view it below:

Feel free to use this in your classroom.  I have directions and examples if you are interested.
Opinion Poll Folder (Google Drive)

1 comment

  1. Great post, Alissa! I love how you are integrating math with technology :)
    The Techie Teacher
