VA is for Teachers has rolled out a blog series examining the proposed changes for the Virginia Math SOLs. Here are the blog posts outlining changes for each grade level if you would like to take a look:
Proposed Fourth Grade Changes
4.1 This standard is essentially the same with the addition of not only comparing whole numbers, but ordering up to four whole numbers to the millions place.
The essential knowledge section for 4.1c also included "Identify the greatest whole number and least whole number
that round to a given thousand, ten thousand, and hundred
thousand" which is a change.
4.2 Again, not much difference here. The verbiage "with or without models" has been added to comparing fractions and the division statement, which adds a level of complexity. Also, explicit reference is made to benchmarking fractions in the Essential Knowledge section.
4.3 The major difference for decimals is that rounding to the nearest tenth and hundredth has been moved to 5th grade.
4.4 Multiplication Fact fluency has been moved up from third grade.
- All addition properties have been moved to fourth grade.
- Multiplying two whole numbers has been changed to both factors having two digits or fewer.
4.5 Adding and subtracting fractions remains primarily the same and addition and subtraction of decimals has been moved to 4.6.
4.6 Adding and subtracting decimals moved from 4.5d, word problems with decimals changed to
single-step only and multistep decimal problems moved to fifth grade.
4.7 The student will solve practical problems that involve determining perimeter and area in standard units of measure. This is new to fourth grade, some of it moved down from fifth.
4.8 Still includes measuring length and weight/mass, but moves volume to third grade. Conversions will include length, weight, and volume, however. And now there will be problem solving!
4.9 Elapsed time looks to be the same with some rewording.
4.10 Geometry is primarily the same with the addition of using notation to describe lines and angles, as well as identifying lines in a solid figure.
4.11(old) Transformations have been moved to fifth grade.
4.11(new) Characteristics of plane and solid figures has been moved up from third grade.
4.12 Classifying quadrilaterals has been reworded and polygons have been moved to fifth grade.
4.13 Now students also must create a model or practical problem to represent a given probability. That should increase difficulty somewhat.
4.14 Graphing now specifies only bar and line graphs.
4.15 This standard is generally the same but specifies that patterns will be in the form of objects, pictures,
numbers, and tables.
4.16 Equality remains, but the associative property has beeb moved to fifth grade.
Implementation Timeline
- The revisions will be reviewed and adopted in September and changes will begin to take place in the 2017-2018 school year when a combination of new and old standards will be taught.
- Spring 2018 SOL tests will cover the 2009 standards and include field test items measuring the new 2016 standards.
- The new standards will be fully implemented and tested in the 2018-2019 school year.
If you like, or dislike, any of the proposed changes, remember that the VDOE is taking public comments through April 27th.
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