What's Coming for 1st Grade Math

Hi! This is Sarah from Learning is for Superstars! I'm here to break down what's coming for first grade math standards.

Several other Virginia teachers have previewed the math changes in grades two, three, and five. (To see those posts, click on the grade level.)  This post is going to show the first grade changes that are coming. The first one is there are just 15 standards instead of 18!
Here's a link to the curriculum framework for changes K-12. Click here!

Number and Number Sense
1.1 - count to 110 and write the numbers to 110; moved from 1.2 include counting backwards from 30, count forward by ones, twos, fives, and tens to 110, represent a two-digit number with a picture representation or model.

1.2 - we continue counting to 110 instead of stopping at 100 (second graders will count to 120) and understand these numbers so that we can order 3 numbers by greatest to least and vice versa, as well as compare two numbers using greater than, less than, and equal to. Moved from 1.1, first graders will group a collection of objects into tens and ones.

1.3 - Ordinal numbers - first graders are back to learning ordinal positions to the tenth place! This is being moved from kindergarten. They will need to know position from top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, and right to left. 

1.4 - Fractions - first graders will dig deeper into fractions than before. Instead of just identifying fractions for halves, thirds, and fourths, the children will be expected to investigate and verbally identify fractions for halves, fourths, and eighths. In the understanding the standard section in the curriculum framework, they include specific examples for the children to understand equal shares. These include two children sharing eight sandwiches and four children sharing one piece of paper. I love this!

Computation and Estimation
1.5 - Magnitude - no changes

1.6 - Create and solve single step story and picture problems using addition (subtraction is moved to 1.7) facts to 20. Previously, they needed addition facts to 18. Specific examples of how to develop strategies to solve these problems are included in the framework. These include counting on and counting back.

1.7 - Subtraction - understanding part to whole relationships of numbers to 10 and demonstrate fluency with addition facts with sums to 10 and corresponding subtraction facts. This is a change from sums to 18.

There are charts and new information included for 1.6 and 1.7 for how to teach these strategies.

Measurement and Geometry
1.8 - Money. No changes in the first bullet point of the number of pennies equivalent to a nickel, dime, and quarter. The change in the money standard is the second bullet point - determine the value of a collection of like coins - pennies, nickels, OR dimes. The mixed coin collection is being moved to second grade. What?!?

1.9 - Understand the passage of time. Telling time on clocks is being moved from kindergarten to first grade. The standard expects first graders to identify different types of clocks (digital and analog) and tell time shown on a clock to the hour and half hour. They will still be expected to match times on digital and analog clocks together. Reading a calendar is moved to the same standard (previously it was 1.11). There appear to be no changes in the essential knowledge and skills for calendar language.

1.10 - Nonstandard units to measure and compare length, weight/mass, and volume. It is being condensed from two different standards into one and is virtually the same.

1.11 - Geometry. The previous two geometry standards are being combined into one.

Probability and Statistics
1.12 - Data and Graphs. The two different standards are once again being combined into one. Some of the information in the actual standard has been removed and has been placed in the understanding the standard section. This includes the examples of graphs to be described using data collections. 

Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
1.13 - Sort and Classify. Again, some of the specifics in the standard have been removed and placed in the understanding the standard section. In the essential knowledge and skills section the children will be expected to label attributes of what they have sorted, as well as name multiple ways to sort a set of objects. 

1.14 - Patterns. Some changes in the verbs - identify, describe, extend, and transfer growing and repeating patterns. Specific examples are included in the understanding the standard for growing and repeating patterns for your use.

1.15 - Equality. Instead of using the word equal sign, think more of equal symbol. This change is to help the children understand that the answer does not necessarily come next, but instead the equal sign means "is the same as" or "equal from value." As before, using a balance scale will help your visual learners in understanding this challenging standard.

Whew! I hope this was a help to you in seeing an overview of what is heading our way!

Until next time,