VA Teacher Resource: TTAC

Hello!  This is Caitlin from Learning Ahoy.  Today I want to share with you a resource that is available to all VA teachers that I find invaluable.  That resource is TTAC.

TTAC stands for Training and Technical Assistance Center and is funded by a VA Department of Education grant. The goal of TTAC is to improve educational opportunities and add to the success of children with disabilities.  There are TTAC locations at universities throughout Virginia that provide training, classroom support, assitive technology and lots of other great stuff.  Each regional TTAC has a lending library with a variety of books and technology that teachers and parents can borrow for free.

Virginia is split into 7 different regions that are supported by different TTACs.  You can find where you fit by going to this link.  I belong to region 2 which is support by Old Dominion University and William and Mary University.  Once you get to the website for your particular chapter you can find out how to check out various items from the library.

I highly suggest checking out the various training offered by TTAC.  You can attend a training in any region.  I have attended a bunch that have been put on by TTAC ODU and all have been fantastic. These trainings count as recertification points and they are cheap  Usually the cost is around $25 which included lunch snacks, door prizes, and classroom materials.

Various TTAC chapters send out newsletters each month.  I subscribe to the one for ODU which I find to provide valuable information each month especially for students with severe disabilities and early childhood special education.  There is also a great section on assistive technology.  You can subscribe to the ODU newsletter by going to this link.

To get started with TTAC go to the TTAC online site and explore all of the awesome stuff they have to offer.  Be sure to check out these tabs in particular.
  • Resources
  • Events
  • Online Training

I hope you get as much use out of this valuable information as I do.  I would love to know if you have every used TTAC services, Please leave a comment to share your experiences.  

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